martes, julio 26

Joey: So what is the best ending in all of literature? Don't say Ulysses. Everyone says Ulysses.
Professor David Wilder: That's easy. Sentimental education by Flaubert.
Joey: And what happens?
Professor David Wilder: Nothing, really. Just two old friends sitting around remembering the best thing that never happened to them.
Joey: How do you remember something that never happened?
Professor David Wilder: Fondly. You see, Flaubert believed that anticipation was the purest form of pleasure... and the most reliable. And that while the things that actually happen to you would invariable disappoint, the things that never happened to you would never dim. Never fade. They would always be engraved in your heart with a sort of sweet sadness. 

lunes, julio 25

Intenté que algo valiera la pena
No puedo conseguir, cambiar ni corregir, lo que me corre en las venas.
Iris: This was a really close call. You know, I never really though I'd say this, literally never, but I think you were absolutely right about us. Very square peg, very round hole.
Jasper: You cannot mean that.

Iris: The great thing is I actually do. And I'm about three years late in telling you this, but nevertheless I need to say it. Jasper. Wait, I need the lights on. Jasper, you have never treated me right. Ever.

You broke my heart. And you acted like somehow it was my fault, my misunderstanding, and I was too in love with you to ever be mad at you, so I just punished myself! For years! But you waltzing in here on my lovely Christmas holiday, and telling me that you don't want to lose me whilst you're about to get MARRIED, somehow newly entitles me to say, it's over. This - This twisted, toxic THING between us, is finally finished! I'm miraculously done being in love with you! Ha! I've got a life to start living.
[Picks up Jasper's jacket, walking to the door].

And you're not going to be in it.

(The Holiday) 

lunes, julio 18

sábado, julio 9

Me escapé de la rutina para pilotear mi viaje porque el cubo en el que vivía se convirtió en paisaje. Yo era un objeto esperando a ser ceniza. Un día decidí hacerle caso a la brisa. A irme resbalando detrás de tu camisa, no me convenció nadie, me convenció tu sonrisa. Y me fui trás de ti persiguiendo mi instinto,
Si quieres cambio verdadero pues, camina distito.
(Quiero correr por siete lagos en un mismo día. Sentir encima de mis muslos el clima de tus nalgas frías. Llegar al tope de la sierra, abrazarme con las nubes, sumergirme en el agua y ver cómo las burbujas suben)

A partir de hoy me propongo estar bien. Dejar los asuntos irresueltos atrás, los viejos temores, las especulaciones, las ilusiones, todo atrás. Parte de crecer es aprender a superar. A seguir adelante, a enfocarse en nuevas cosas que valgan la pena. Desde ahora voy a intentar mirar las cosas con otros ojos, voy a dedicarme a disfrutar de todo lo que pueda, de tratar de aprovechar cada oportunidad, de explotar al máximo cada buen momento, de dejar de querer forzar las cosas, de dedicar mi tiempo enteramente a mis amigas, de ayudar en todo lo que pueda, de ser útil y de poner mi pasión en algo. Definitivamente creo que esto era lo que necesitaba para hacer el “click”. Bienvenido nuevo pensamiento. ¡No te me escapes!